They can both be used in corn, non-crop areas, and a host of other situations. XtendiMax and Engenia aren’t just for Xtend crops.You need a good spray pattern and good coverage to achieve the weed control you are looking for. While that doesn’t happen often, what’s more likely to occur is a bad spray pattern. The last thing you want in your tank is sludge. Like we always say with drift retardants, keep the rate low and jar test first. A drift reduction agent (or drift retardant) may be used to reduce off-target movement.

You should be spraying at a pace no faster than 15 mph, and we prefer a slower speed than that. In terms of weed height, dicamba might be able to take down some big weeds, but for best control and top yields, we strongly encourage you to spray when weeds are 4 inches tall or less.That’s something you gain with dicamba compared to Roundup. The contact activity is better than the residual, but still, some residual is better than none. When using the full, labeled rate of XtendiMax or Engenia, it is likely you will get some broadleaf activity for one to two weeks afterwards. Both products are effective with very little volatility risk. So far, most of the farmers we work with are going XtendiMax, primarily due to price. If you use a lot of different BASF products, Engenia could be cheaper. If you use name brand Roundup and at least one of the many pre-emerge herbicides in Roundup Ready Plus, XtendiMax is probably the least expensive option. There are rebates that can really cheapen up your net cost.

Here are a few additional pieces of information about XtendiMax and Engenia I didn’t mention last month. Perhaps the two most important things to know are DO NOT USE AMS, but DO USE DRIFT REDUCTION SPRAY NOZZLES. The approval process is ongoing, and more things are being added all the time. I encourage you to go to and to learn more about the tankmix partners, spray adjuvants, and spray nozzles that are currently approved. Last month I wrote about XtendiMax and Engenia in Xtend soybeans and cotton, but since this is the first year in history you have had the chance to legally spray dicamba over the top of these crops, I figured you would probably like to hear more about it.